Section: New Results


  • Integration of some ionic models into CEPS (N. Zemzemi and F. Caro). Those developments will allow us now to use CEPS for the benchmark named Second N-version Cardiac Electrophysiology Benchmark Specification actual developments, see (benchmarck ) for more details.

  • Development of usefull tools for the code (compilation in order to check the depandancies, validation and coverage of the code). 16 test cases are now implementated in CEPS. Those test cases concern unit test case as test for small resolution of linear system (for the FE P1 implemented into the code) and validatation test case as the heat PDE problem. Tests verify also the parallel implementation.

  • At this time, the development of the bi-domain model in CEPS is in progress in CEPS with N. Zemzemi.

  • First integration of the new model of S. Labarthe initiated during his PhD with L. Colin. This task needs improvment for validation in terms of development.